Run Talk Run is supporting RED January 2020
A short while ago, Hannah of RED January and Jess of Run Talk Run hurried themselves into the sweetest little coffee shop tucked away by Kings Cross Station to concoct a delicious mental-health-running menu of Run Talk Runs that could support the people who sign up to RED January.
Putting it simply, RED January are an AMAZING community-focused fundraising initiative for Mind mental health charity. Through the encouragement to move (even just a little) every single day throughout the month of January, RED have created an ethos of improving your mental health through movement, connecting to community, and fundraising for an incredible charity.
Which, in essence, matches wonderfully with what Run Talk Run are achieving with our mental health support running groups all over the UK (and beyond!).
RED would like to encourage their signed up participants to engage in a Run Talk Run near them, if running is their medicine of choice, and Run Talk Run would like to encourage all run attendees to sign up to RED and give it a whirl!
What is even more special about this wonderful collaboration of movement for mental health initiatives is that Sarah (Run Talk Run leader for Wokingham) is going to take herself all over the UK to participate in a different Run Talk Run every day of the week for the entire month of January. EPIC or what!?
We’ll be posting more about Sarah and her journey with mental health and running very very soon. But for now, be sure to take a look at the RED/RTR collab and get yourself signed up (for free!).