Run Talk Run - COVID19 Secure Guidance
As part of England Athletics Guidance for organised running groups, Run Talk Run has undertaken efforts to ensure that our runs and runs and any meetings are held under COVID secure guidelines.
Why are Run Talk Run groups classed as ‘Organised Activities’?
Where the England Athletics guidelines and rules mention ‘organised’ sport, this means sport which is formally organised by a qualified instructor, club, national governing body, company or charity and follows sport-specific guidance. If the sport is not organised by one of these groups (for example, some friends having a kickabout) this is considered to be informal or self-organised sport.
Why can Run Talk Run be exempt from the ‘Rule of 6’?
Taking part in organised sport sometimes means that other restrictions such as legal gathering limits don’t apply when taking part. This is because the organising body has considered the risks and set out ways to mitigate them so people can participate safely. Informal or self-organised sport is not covered by any exemptions.
As part of requirements for being classed as an organised activity, England Athletics state that the activity must be taking place in a ‘COVID Secure Environment’ with a person also being a designated ‘COVID Coordinator’.
Outdoor sport for adults and children is permitted in larger numbers, provided it is formally organised and follows COVID-secure guidance.
What is a COVID secure environment?
A COVID secure environment has been consider for the usual health and safety risk assessments, but also taken into account the risks posed by virus transmission, such as adhering to social distancing rules, and action has been taken to mitigate or reduce the risks for those taking part in activity.
What we have done to ensure a COVID secure environment?
Completed a thorough Risk Assessment for general running activities and for COVID19.
Ensured that we have a COVID coordinator who is responsible for completing, implementing and reviewing risk assessments.
Mitigated or removed risks where possible and put procedures in place to reduce the risk of transmission as much as possible.
Committed to regularly reviewing risk assessments every 3 months (or sooner should guidelines change).
How we keep our volunteers and runners safe:
Run briefings, warm ups and cool downs are done in open air environments and kept brief to avoid mingling or delays.
Attendance of runs is monitored and tracked using the ‘MyCrew’ app, which also ensures contacts can be traced in the event of a COVID19 infection.
Runners and volunteers are recommended to download/install the NHS Test and Trace app, which will alert the user if they have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID19.
Social distancing between non-household/support bubble members is required at all times, with reminders given in the initial run briefings and during runs if required.
‘Loopback’ systems for keeping runners together are only used where there is adequate space for runners to pass each other and maintain social distance.
Runners are discouraged from using public transport or car sharing unless totally unavoidable or they are within household/support bubble groups.
Guidelines and changes to COVID19 rules are regularly monitored and where necessary, amendments to our precautions and policy will be undertaken to ensure that we keep our volunteers, runners and the general public safe.
All information is correct at the time of writing, but may be subject to change due to Government/England Athletics guidance changes.
Updated 4th April 2021
Further resources are:
With lots of love and hugs
Jess, Rachel and the other RTR Leaders