Positively within the Run Talk Run Communities
In this difficult and worrying time when we can not actually meet up for our weekly 5K runs. At these runs we support each other and have a great laugh. A connection forms within the groups and it doesn’t just feel like a running group but more like a family.
With this is mind, so many leaders have thought outside the box to bring to their groups/communities, this helps them to still feel connected and to keep the positively and spirit up within their groups.
Run Talk Run Dundee emailed our founder Jess with:
‘We have our wee WhatsApp group which is a lovely comfort, and we’ve been playing “run tag run” for the last week. One of our runners came up with it and it’s great! As soon as we couldn’t run together, a fair few people were saying they were finding it hard to get the motivation to go out for a run (even though they knew it would help make them feel better). So Rachael, following a tun, “tagged” Malcom to go out and he was it! And it has kept going! It’s nice to have the accountability and motivation to go out and clear the head.’
Run Talk Run Victoria, their leader Kate has said she and her runners are going to do a Zoom call of “Origami talk origami”.
Run Talk Run Tooting are doing weekly book club chats. Two of the runners from the group, Elise and Aida, came up with the idea.
Run Talk Run Brixton crew hold weekly zoom chats at the same time as their run would be on Wednesday evening. Last Wednesday (25th) they invited all South London groups to take part in a pub quiz.
All Run Talk Run leaders have their own Whatsapp group to help support their group, even though we cannot be together in person, we can still keep the amazing support for each other through these virtual groups. If you want to find a Run Talk Run group near you or you don’t know the leader of your run, go check out the map which pin points all the runs with the leaders name and their Instagram, if no there is no Instagram name than please do email Jess at jessica@runtalkrun.com if you need any more information.
Being in lockdown will trigger so many mental health issues but together as family we can all keep the amazing support that has been created by Jess with Run Talk Run, we can all get through this tough time together.
Stay safe gang
Rachel x