Journaling Part 2 - 29 prompts for Anxiety
After doing a post the other week about how journaling can help you and the different ways of using journaling. I have really been looking into it a lot more over the week. As the weeks seems to be getting longer while we are in lockdown, we will be having days where we have issues with our anxiety levels. I found the following 29 simple prompts for anxiety.
What was the most difficult experience you had before, and how were you able to overcome it? -> by recalling challenging times will enable us to see how far we have come, and it might just inspire us to be grateful for all that has happened.
List three things that scare you the most, and the reasons why. -> by facing the things that scares us lessens their power to make us anxious.
Recall three positive things that happened to you today and write them down. Be as detailed as possible. -> by recalling positive things that has happened in the day improves mood and motivation.
Reply to your inner critic’s opinions about your actions and decisions. -> if its calling your attention to all the wrong things you’ve done, this is the time to focus on the right things you’ve accomplished, and to dismiss your inner’s critic’s poor opinion of you.
How are you feeling right now? Describe how you feel in writing. -> do you like how you’re feeling right now? if not, how would you like to feel? What can you do to change how you’re feeling?
List down all of the things that you’re worried about right now. Make the list as long as possible. -> by putting your worries out into the open prevents them from occupying too much space in your head.
Write a letter to three of your greatest supporters. -> think and choose three people who support you. Then write a letter to each one detailing the ways they support you and telling them how much you appreciate them. You don’t have to mail the letters if you don’t want to.
What are the three things you’d love to be doing for the rest of your life? -> by writing down the things you’d love to do even without receiving any compensation for them will help you reconnect with your passion.
Make a list of all the compliments you’d received from others. -> by writing down the compliments you have gotten from others will help boost confidence and gives hope.
What are five moments in your life when you can say you were truly happy? -> a study shows that people - especially teenagers - who recall happy memories are more resilient and less prone to depression.
Think back to a moment when you experienced failure. What lessons can you take from it? -> failure is necessary. It is considered the greatest teacher we will have in this life. Without it, we will be incapable of reaching for greater achievements.
Write a letter to yourself. Make it a love letter. -> discover how uniquely wonderful you are as you write about the admirable qualities you have.
If you’re prone to anxiety attacks, write down all the strategies you’ve used in the past that helped you cope with a flare up. -> this list will help you realise that you have always managed to survive an attack, and will give you hope to overcome the condition.
Is your anxiety trying to tell you something? What is it? -> by taking a closer look at your anxiety will help you to discover the underlying reasons for your anxious thoughts, and hopefully motivates you to deal with them in a healthy way.
Describe the thing or situation that you look forward to every day. -> writing about the things that gives us joy, anchors us and gives us strength to move forward.
List three of the greatest lessons you’ve been given by your anxiety. -> having anxiety changes our outlook about life. Writing about this can help you discover the new you that’s emerging.
List at least 10 activities you can do to take better care of yourself. -> this is an action plan to help you remember that you (your health and well-being) are important.
What values are important to you? -> knowing which values you think are important helps you to define your personal boundaries.
List down your anxiety triggers. -> knowing your triggers can help lessen the effect of symptoms during a flare up, or completely prevent them.
Think of someone who has caused you pain. Write him or her a letter of forgiveness. -> by letting go of anger and resentment frees up our energy to be happier and more present in our own lives.
List down the questions that are constantly running through your head right now, and then try to answer each one. -> the brain cannot engage in other thoughts while you’re trying to think of answers to questions you’ve posed for yourself. It’s a way to stop your tendency for rumination.
Write down your favourite inspiring quotes or song lyrics that motivates you. -> quotes are wonderful tools for taking you out of your head and spurring you into action.
List down the things that you are grateful for. Make the list as long as you can. -> by practising gratitude increases our happiness and makes us healthier, both in mind and body.
What is it that you need to let go off? Write your reasons for holding on to it. -> recognising that we are hanging on to memories - especially painful ones - gives us the opportunity to finally let them go when we see how they are holding us back or causing our anxiety.
Write a letter to one or both of your parents. You don’t have to give the letter to them. -> writing to your parents can help clear up old issues or make you arrive at an understanding about the primary caregivers in your life.
Write two long-term goals. Brainstorm and write down you ideas for achieving them. -> goal-setting can help overcome some symptoms and aspects of anxiety. Write down your plan of actions as clearly as possible.
Visualise that you are free from anxiety. Write down the details of this kind of life. -> when you envision a life that’s different from what you have right now, your whole being works towards achieving it.
List 10 things that make you smile. -> by recalling things that bring joy to us, will lift our moods and change our outlook.
List down three affirmations you can say to yourself today. -> positive affirmations can build our sense of self-worth and rewire our negative thinking, changing it to something positive.
Living with anxiety is challenging but there are ways to help and please don’t ever think you are alone, as a community we are there. Just reach out in the group or just contact your local Run Talk Run leader. We will support you and give you a virtual shoulder to cry on.
Love to you all.
Rachel xx